As i was driving to work this
morning, i heard this song on the
radio. It brought back so many
memories that i could not help to ask
myself this question,what is love? Is it desire? that
is what it seems to be among older
mature generations. I remembered when i felt in love the first time
it felt like a big stomach sensation and
the need to be with that special person.
well, now it is a whole different
feeling. It is desire. It is caring. It is
passion. Many of us had felt it at some
point in our lives. It gets to another
point in ones life where ones is contended
with the idea of love. Some how one get to the point where love resumes in a smile, a hug, a phone
call or a present.
When i was little love compiled in all the caring that my family instilled in me. Today,
i question love, but never its fire. " like a mop in the blame burn by the fire....that is the way
love goes..."
(janette jackson)
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