Saturday, March 27, 2010



       Imagination and invention was what i was good for when i was  eleven years old. One of my favorite things to do was to play with sand and  mug. I remember that i developed a rash on my  knees so bad that i spend many days going to the dermatologist. I just loved to play with sand and dirt. I used to swim and rub on it. My mom probably got tired of yelling at me so i would get out of the dirt, because she just gave up on me. My favorite time to go splash on the mug was whenever it rained. I pretended that the dirt was a giant pool. When it was raining i used to go to any hill and slided myself down the hill as if i was going down a real slide on a playground. That was amazing!!!!
       Another thing i enjoy doing when i was little was climbing trees. It was as if by climbing those trees i was escaping from the world below. My mom could never find me. I remember  that she would bring me food so that i could eat. I also liked climbing trees because i liked to pick fresh fruits. I used to pick Mangos, my favorite fruit, also Cherries, Almonds, Guanabanas, Passion Fruits and Tamarindo. Every time i picked Almond fruits i used to prepare a dessert which i just loved . I would eat the Almond fruit first and then  smash it with a stone in order to take the Almond seed out. This was a long but easy process for me, but when i was finished all of my clothes and hands were stained from the Almond fruit. My mom would beat me up for this, but i didn't care because the Almond dessert was yummy.
       Sand, dirt, rain, and trees are not the most appealing things to many of us who live in big city like New York, nevertheless, when one lived in a beautiful Island like where i was born, one learn to appreciate and respect nature. More importantly, one understands that materials things like cars, computers, phones,ect  sometimes keep us from enjoying life in a unique way. Have you ever climbed on top of you roof house to watch the sun raised? Have you ever cross a river or a mountain while riding a horse? Have you ever picked the most beautiful fruit and then sit on a rock by the river and just eat it? That is the life!!!!!

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Tuesday, March 23, 2010


One of my best childhood memories are those of the ''barrio'' nights. On those nights all kids from my block and i would play all kind of imaginable games. One of my favorite games was hide and seek because i was a good climber and my friends could never find me.
    I remember that most of the time there was no power in the neighborhood. This was a good thing for my friends and i because it made our games more interesting. One particular thing about my generation is that boys and girls played separate. This is funny because  it was as if we were enemies,but sometimes we played war games against each other. I loved to play war games because that was the only time we played with the boys. There was always an empty or abandoned house in the neighborhood which gave us more excuse to make any game fun an exciting. We dare each other to touch or enter the house. This was so much fun. There no balls,toys,bicycles, dolls, or video games,just  a lot of imagination and invention. We were a generation that was not hooked to the television, but on the contrary we left that for the adults, because to us there was so much outside in our backyards to explore and discover. I remember that we made balls and dolls out of cloth and guns out of wood. We also made houses out of trees, boxes or leaves.The best play time ever was whenever it was raining.The rain was the best excuse for us to go outside and play. Today i don't understand how our parents let us played in the rain without worrying about some danger.On the other hand, we also collected rain our for our families to drink as well.   All we needed was a plastic bag over our heads and shoe less we run and played all around the "barrio". We are nine years old  only once in a life time. I really enjoyed mine!!!