Friday, February 26, 2010


It is important for me to be a role model. I take a lot of pride when someone looks up to me. It puts some pressure on me, but i do not mind. It is very rewarding to see that someone admires the way one lives and how ones is able to make lemonade out of lemon, as i describe my life sometimes.
I watched a movie the other day which was not very good, "Love Happens", but it had some very good advices about life. We work hard everyday, take care of our kids, take care of family members, and enjoy a healthy relationship. Nevertheless, it is not until something tragic happens in our life when we finally stop and smell the roses. I am so glad i decided not to wait for that to happen to me. I am enjoying life now as it happens. Take for instance the city of New York. There are more than 8 billion of us who live here. It is very interesting to walk in the city and see how many people rush to wherever they are going, without stopping and admiring the most beautiful city in the world. There are taxi cabs everywhere, naughty people, mad people, traffic jams, noises, pollution, and beauty, but there are those who can not see beyond all of that. If one would to go to the top of any building in New York City one could see the beauty of it all, and see everything one is missing. My point is that we have to see beyond what is in front of us. Everything that happens to us is for a purpose and sometimes we do not see it, but believe me, if we learn to look at things from above instead of what is in front of us, we will see the big picture and a new perspective.
I am not perfect and everyday i try hard to be a better person, but i want to live my life with no regrets. I want to enjoy each day. I want to be there for my friends and family. I want to be able to help anyone who needs me. I want to be the best mother for my children. I want to see the big picture each time.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


What makes a man love a woman? it is personality? it is charisma? it is beauty? it is intelligence? I have tried to answered that question for the last past three years. Many men like a woman who is intelligent and beautiful , but at the same time they do not want to feel intimidated by those qualities. The truth is, that no man wants to walk around with a woman who they can not establish a conversation. Today, I was reading a magazine where men were surveyed. According to the survey, men like a woman who feel comfortable with herself, secure of who she is and who has some sense of humor. All of that is great, but my question is what makes a man love a woman. A good friend told me once that we women control if a men falls in love with us or not. He was right about that. On the other hand, women control over men is limited to certain extend. Men do not like to be dominated, but they like to feel some sense of authority over the relationship and consequently over the woman. It is the natural way of life for men to be authoritative and dominant.
I am here trying to remember why some men had fallen in love with me. I question why they loved me or if they really loved me since i do not have their love anymore. I also question what makes man fall in love because sadly, i have a hard time believing that men are capable of loving, feeling, hurting, suffering, for a woman. It is because there are so many of us and they just know that they can pick and choose? How is it that men can not be happy with one woman? How is it that they do not know how to express their feelings?It is because men are in need of immediate gratification rather than feelings and emotions? So what should i think if a man tells me he loves me? it is me? my body?my qualities? my honesty? what made him fall in love? Did he fall in love? Does he knows what love is? I just do not want to find out.......

Monday, February 22, 2010

Where my heart is.

This morning i went to an old neighborhood place to buy some bagels for my manager's meeting. While i was waiting for my order an old man walked in. I could guess that he was close to his eighties or so. It called my attention that the owner of the place new what he wanted and before i knew it the owner started to get his order. As the owner of the bagel place started to cut a huge bagel covered with sesame seeds i began to wonder. I could not helped to think of how much that old man liked that huge bagel. I walked out with my order and sat on my car. I watched the old man walk out with his huge bagel and a cup of coffee.

I too go out of my way to find comforting food. It is very interesting how much pride i feel when i find a good Hispanic restaurant. I have been in the United States for more than twenty years now, and even though i consider myself an AMERICAN I could never give up on all of the
Latin food that reminds me of my childhood. Today, I though of myself at that age going to a Hispanic restaurant and finding my favorite thing to eat. I want to believe that this is one of the best thing about this country,diversity and assimilation. I certainly hope, that there still will be many restaurants where i and many of us could go twenty years from now and find all of the comforting food that we enjoy so much. It is very important for me to be able to enjoy the taste of my Country. It does not matter where i go, or where i live it is nice to know that like the old man today in the bagel place i could have a place where i could find my piece of land.