Thursday, October 13, 2011


 I do not believe in evolution. I was always very religious. I want to believe there is something better out
there, a superpower that guide our life, destiny or eternity. lately, I have been thinking a lot about evolution, but mostly about human evolution in relationship to technology and innovation. Historically, progress always developed in part of the world where people have access to technology and education. Europe and America were the leaders of invention and innovation, even though, The Maya civilization, for instance,left behind  thousands of indications of how advanced and developed there where in comparison to what later others "discovered" (see how I put in parenthesis). Well, I have a problem with this word, but that is another topic!!!!
What is amazing  to me is the fact that we, as a civilization are able to develop and innovate technology in so many different levels, but at the same time, we are powerless and unable to feed thousands of people who are dying right now in countries like Somalia. This inequality among civilization is the biggest, and most shameful reality that overshadows every attend to progress.

I ask myself how come so many people  do not have the advantage to have a job, which in term will provide them with money to buy food and clothes for their families. I ask myself how come  I am free to do whatever I want whenever I want?. How come I was not born in 1820?, for instance. How come I was not a slave, or an Indian, or a Mayan?. Who am I? I do not care so much about where I came from, but more about where  am I going /where will I go !!!

I like the idea that 20 years from now we will be traveling in flying cars: yeah, right?!! the reality of it is, and not that I am being a pessimist, 20 years from now we will have to be a society "equally" advanced so that all the inequalities such as, thousands of kids and women dying of hunger, diseases, and depression, do not contradict the bases of progress. Wishful thinking!!! For now, I am as many Millenniums, very optimistic about innovation. I like to to believe that progress in our time, will not be measured by how many wars we have won, but how many people we have saved from diseases or hunger. So, as  long as we are willing to use innovation as a form of progress and not as a way of capitalization,  I will continue to believe that maybe, evolution in terms of innovation is the best thing that the human race will leave behind.

Monday, September 5, 2011


I do not have female friends (just one,claudia,love her very much)anyways, I tend to relate more to men. I can tell a man anything,that is if he is smart and wise. What I like about male friendship is that MEN  are more open minded about some things. I like the fact that they do have to agree with everything I said, as we expect female friend to do. I like that there is no drama, jealousy, or competition There is some type of freedom associated with it. I like the fact that Jimmy and I can go to catch a movie,  have a great dinner, and talk about everything and anything. I like the fact that he trusts me, and he knows that if he needs me, he can count on me.I  like the fact that Javier can come over to my house with his kids and I can cook a great meal for him. I like to spend my birthdays with him. He takes me out to a different restaurant every year. He is the smartest man I have ever met. He too have always adviced me on many aspects in life, from family to jobs to love.  There are my friends Teddy, Taju,and Robert, who I talk to about business all day long, but who in  many instances each one have helped me in one  way or another. There is Antonio, him and I hated each other when we met. We have come a long way. He too is one of my best friends. Antonio and I can talk about anything. I do not expect to hear what I want from him, I like that. He is honest and have always motivated me to keep going forward through my deepest shadows. There is Rey, who have always coached me through many situations. He is such a great  coach and motivator, he is a very special man. There is my special friend Pablo. We have been through so much together, and our friendship have evolved through the years. Pablo is an unconditional friend. I love him besides the fact that he forces me to go with him to boring painting exhibitions,museums, intellectual gatherings, colleges exhibitions,ect. It is torture!!! We know each other so well that we do not have to speak to know what we think. Pablo was there for  me through my divorce and help me overcome my sadness and desperation. He did it the best way(not talking,not listening,just letting me cry without judging me). To all my friends, thank you so much for being there for me, for not taking advantage of me, for listening, for being honest and true. Thank you for not judging me( hate it). Companionship comes in many shapes and forms, friend is a word that is misused. Friend is an act of unconditional  trust.